
Hannah Wadsworth | Middle School Book Life

Welcome to the Middle School Book Life newsletter. Every other week, you'll receive a deep dive into one middle grade or young adult novel that belongs in your classroom library. Subscribe and I'll help you curate the best books for your students.

Featuring: Caprice

Dear Reader, I expect you'll really like this week's book—especially if you're a health teacher or a counselor. Anyone who works with 7th to 9th graders* should snag a copy as this story shares (amongst many rich storylines) a "how to" guide for speaking up in the face of sexual assault. I hope none of your students need it. But let's make it accessible, just in case. *For younger readers who need age-appropriate guidance on this topic, offer "Chirp" by Kate Messner. For older readers, "Dear...

Featuring: 6 Books for Black History Month

Dear Reader, Welcome to Black History Month! I implore you to do two things. First, please honor and acknowledge Black History Month in your classroom as often as you can. Second, please continue to teach about Black excellence and read books by Black authors every month of the year. Your students, of all identities, deserve it. Whatever else you have planned for the month, add in a fun challenge with Black History Month BINGO. I've got two boards for you—one for middle school, one for high...

Featuring: A Bit of Earth

Dear Reader, If looking out your window reveals snow, ice, or (like here in western Washington) pouring rain, then find your escape in this week's book, A Bit of Earth. Reading about young teenagers learning to garden and cultivate beauty will be a bit like time traveling to the promising warmth of spring. If you and your students need a mood boost, bring A Bit of Earth into your classroom. A Bit of Earth Title: A Bit of Earth Author: Karuna Riazi Genre: Realistic fiction Age range: 10+ (best...

Featuring: Eli Over Easy

Dear Reader, Happy 2024! We're starting the year with another book that's great for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Even if you don't teach those grades, I'd check it out as it's one of a new wave of books that explicitly takes place in a world that knows COVID. Your high schoolers might benefit from using this story to reflect on their middle school COVID years. Happy reading! Eli Over Easy by Phil Stamper Title: Eli Over Easy Author: Phil Stamper Genre: Realistic Fiction Age range: 9+ (Best for...

My Top 5 Picks for Your High School Classroom Library

Dear Reader, Everyone loves a little refresh of their classroom library. A new book on the shelves to welcome students back. A new author to spotlight. A new story to feature. If you'd like to do that when you return in January, try one of these titles. They're my 5 favorite books from 2023 for high schoolers (and make for great teacher reading over winter break!). Rez Ball by Byron Graves: Own voices. Native stories. Basketball. Grief. Determining your future. Navigating romance. This book...

My Top 5 Picks for Your Middle School Classroom Library

Dear Reader, Of the 64 middle grade and young adult books I have read in 2023 (so far), I selected 23 of the best ones to feature in this newsletter. Now I'm taking it a step further: here are the 5 books that are absolute must-haves for your middle school classroom library. Don't worry high school teachers—your curated list is coming next week. Without further ado, 5 books to add to your classroom library... Hands by Torrey Maldonado: Your secret weapon for engaging reluctant readers. 136...

Featuring: Hope in the Valley

Dear Reader, Welcome new subscribers! It was a pleasure connecting with so many book-loving educators last week during our raffle. I'm glad you have found your way here. Today's featured book is yet another one meant for our young teens—an age group that doesn't seem to be getting enough attention in the publishing world. Read on for why Pandita's story of grief and courage are worthy of shelf space in your classroom. "Hope in the Valley" Title: Hope in the Valley Author: Mitali Perkins...

But what should our 13-15 year olds read?

Dear Reader, I'm on a book quest. I've read nearly 300 middle grade and young adult books in the last 5ish years—mostly titles published in the last decade—and I've detected a trend. There are lots of great middle grade titles for 10-12 year olds. And a host of excellent young adult books for 16-18 year olds. But our 13-15 year olds? There's a bit of a gap. Because while I believe titles like Other Words for Home or New Kid have a place on all middle school shelves, they're going to feel a...

Featuring: Rez Ball

Dear Reader, When it comes to studying literature with your students, do you gravitate towards whole class novels, book clubs (or lit circles), or independent study? I think of these as the three main buckets in secondary reading instruction and there's a lot to consider when figuring out what's best for your students. How independent are they? How large is the reading level range? What are their enthusiasm levels? I'm always curious to hear what's happening right now in real classrooms—would...

Featuring: Hula

If you have ever worked with me, you know that I am in favor of independent reading during class. I started every period with 10 minutes of what I called Focused Reading. Students read whatever they wanted. Graphic novels, audiobooks, fantasy, murder mystery—it was all fair game. Sometimes I even provided sports or car magazines to encourage my more reluctant readers. While students read, I conferenced with them about their reading lives. Or I read my own book, modeling authentic, engaged...

Welcome to the Middle School Book Life newsletter. Every other week, you'll receive a deep dive into one middle grade or young adult novel that belongs in your classroom library. Subscribe and I'll help you curate the best books for your students.