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Middle School Book Life

Featuring: Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston

You'll notice this newsletter has undergone renovations this week! In order to serve teachers the best way I can, I've elected to transition from solutions for classroom problems to a deep dive into 1 book for your classroom library. Week after week, I'll help you fill your shelves with diverse, engaging titles that your students can't wait to read.

Let's get started, shall we?

Title: Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston

Author: Esme Symes-Smith

Genre: Fantasy

Age range: 9+

Summary: When Callie's father is called to the royal capital of Helston to train the crown prince, 12-year-old nonbinary Callie sees it as a chance to fulfill their dream of becoming a knight. Yet it turns out that Helston isn't the land of opportunity they thought it was—it's rife with bullying and bigotry—and Callie must find a way to lead their new-found friends in a battle to ensure everyone can be who they want to be.

It's similar to:

How I'd teach it: Two ways—book clubs and independent reading.

First, let's talk about Book Clubs. Are you teaching a fantasy literature analysis unit in your middle school language arts class? Consider using a Book Club structure and include this as one of the titles. Clubs that choose this title will get to analyze gender identity, roles, and expectations. Reading about these topics in a fantasy world can be a way to recognize similar issues in the real world.

You don't need to use this in Book Clubs for it to have an impact. Make it available for independent reading. This is the book so many students need to feel seen, heard, affirmed, and loved. Callie's nonbinary identity is central to this story—put it on your shelf so that the kid who needs it, finds it.

Learn more:

Literacy Love Notes:

🇹🇿 Care to spread some book love? I am hosting a Book Drive to fill the school library at Kitenga Girls Secondary School in northern Tanzania. The school has grown from 58 to more than 200 students over the past 5 years and the library collection has not kept pace. Donate a book through our registry.

💤 I recently read an advance copy of A Little Like Waking by Adam Rex (to be published in August 2023) and reviewed it on Goodreads. Check it out and see if this is another title you want for your classroom.

Have a good one and learn everything you can,


PS: I'm curious to hear what you think about this renovated newsletter! Will you reply to this email and let me know?

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Middle School Book Life

Welcome to the Middle School Book Life newsletter, a weekly newsletter for middle school teachers who want to figure out the best books for teaching their students. Join us as we chat about Book Clubs, whole class novels, classroom libraries, and independent reading.

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